Saturday, April 2, 2011

Busy weekend...again.

Today is sister #1s birthday.  Happy Birthday Sister!!  We love you!  Hope to spend some time with you soon! :-)

Kate has another birthday party today.  It's one of her school friends and it's at the same place her birthday party was held.  The jump house in the mall and she is super excited to spend some time with her friend, Johnny.  This will be the first time taking Drew to one of her friend's parties.  I'm kind of nervous.  I really don't know the etiquette on other family members attending but I've seen other parents bring their child's sister or brother but have just kind of kept them away from the hoopla.  I hope I can do it and I hope it's not rude.  I just don't want to have to keep finding a sitter and be away from him what seems to be almost every Saturday for three or four hours.  So, I'm taking the little guy and just see how it goes.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :-)

We have another birthday party tonight.  It's for my sister-in-laws boyfriend, Chet!  Chet is one of the funniest guys I've ever met.  Great personality and loves kids.  Happy Birthday, Chet!

Yesterday was April Fool's Day.  All day I heard things like, "Your tooth is red mommy.  You have a bug in your hair mommy.  There's a bug in my french fry.  Daddy, there is a spider crawling on you."  So much fun.  And last night we went through a drive-thru and Drew yelled out his window and said, "It's snowing."  She quickly said, "Oh my gosh!" and we said, "April Fools!"  She laughed and said we got her because just a couple of days ago IT DID SNOW!!!  Crazy end of March weather we were having!!

Enjoy your weekend!