Saturday, May 12, 2012

38 days.

It has been 38 days since my last post.  And about 38 days since I gave up my Iphone.  Yes, the Iphone I cherished.  The Iphone I took every picture of my kids, my husband, my speciality dinners and pictures for my blog.  So I haven't blogged since.  I've been in mourning.  And my new DROID phone is just not measuring up.  Especially in the camera department.  Yes, I have a digital camera sitting right here in front of me but it's BIG and I'm too lazy busy to figure out all the settings.  When someone sends me a picture in text or if I try to send one it has to download??? and takes forever.  When I try to email myself a picture from my phone it never works.  So I've been in bummed land for the past 38 days.  My best friend even said, "I miss your Iphone more than you do!" Ha!

But something has to give.  I'm going to have to buy a bigger purse and bring our digital everywhere I go.  And learn the settings.  Maybe take a class online. 

Or convince Steve the Iphone is really worth the extra moo-lah!