Sunday, June 3, 2012


Kate made it through kindergarten!!!  Yay!  What a great year she had.  We had a little rocky start adjusting to the early alarm (6:15am!!!) and losing and gaining new teachers and the biggest one...MOVING!!! That's a lot for a little five year old to adjust to.  But once we were settled we both enjoyed spending our mornings together.  Just us.  Rushing, getting dressed, getting homework completed, packing lunches and snacks, etc.

My favorite time was driving her to school.  Hearing her stories about  her teacher, her friends and her lack for love of the bus ride home. 

We get to do it again all too soon.  My little girl is growing so fast.  Sometimes I just want to make time stop and not let her grow.  Just be our little Katerbug.  But her future is bright and full of love from her family and I can't wait to see what her future holds!!!  We love you Kate Olivia!!