Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Selling Cookies

I was SO PROUD of Kate selling her Daisy Girl Scout cookies this past weekend.  She was so sweet walking up to our neighbors' doors and saying her line, "Hi, would you like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?"  No one turned her down.  She was grinning from ear to ear!!!  Such a sweetie!!!  I LOVE this precious girl of mine!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Good Intentions

Every year after Christmas, I always tell myself I'm going to send my family and friends pictures of my kiddos with the gift they received from them.  I never have!  Taking down decorations and getting back into the daily routine overpowers and it just never gets done.  But I really want to because my kids enjoy every gift that is given to them.  Maybe next year...but until then, Linda, this one is for you!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Last Night

Santa brought Kate (and Drew) a neat reader light for Christmas and she absolutely loves it! So fun listening to her read in the dark with that little light on.  It's the little things I tell ya.  One of my favorite times of the day and a good memory!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Oh yeah!

BAM!!!  Laying in bed the other night it finally hit me!  I've kind of  been going nuts wondering how in the world am I EVER going to get Drew to hold his pencil right.  

I have struggled for years trying to get him to hold it correctly.  I've let it go thinking, "Oh, he'll get it eventually" or "big deal, he'll figure it out in kindergarten."  But recently I'm thinking, this kid has got to hold his pencil properly or he'll have to stay afterschool to learn!!!  Hahaha!!!  Not that extreme but it has been bugging me to pieces lately.  Mainly I suppose since it's only NINE months until this kid who seemingly turned five overnight begins the big journey of kindergarten!!

I've been on the verge of throwing in the towel or calling a kindergarten teacher and asking, "What is the stinking trick?"  And I knew there was one but I just couldn't think of it.  And yep, this is one reason I want to substitute teach before I ever think of taking on my own class.  It's been awhile folks.  I have forgetten some of those little tricks teachers holding your pencil properly!

You probably already know but it's the fantastic... PENCIL GRIPPER!  And oh boy, has it been working!  Drew thinks it's a special gadget for his pencil but folks, he is holding his pencil correctly and making those letters better every day!  I am one relieved momma!!

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