Tuesday, February 22, 2011

two day weekend?

Two day weekends are rare for us because Steve works on Saturdays.  But Monday was a recognized holiday so he was off two days in a row!!!  On Sunday we hung around the house all day.  No plans.  No rush to get anywhere.  Just played, crafted and watched some tv and fixed dinner.  Monday a lot of the same thing.  It felt good to be lazy.  Steve (thankfully) did all the laundry while I kept the kids busy.  Kate decided late afternoon she wanted a sonic slush so we headed out to happy hour.  Total $1.31.  That'll definitely make ya happy!
Then Steve asked if we could get a sitter and go see a movie.  Sounded great!  So we called sister #2 and she was game.  We saw Just Go With It with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston.  Pee your pants funny.  We laughed the entire movie.  Not just snip-its.  The entire movie was hilarious and I recognized not one curse word in the whole movie.  Thanks Mr. Sandler.
Today it's back to the routine.  Drew and I will take Kate to preschool but I think sister #3 might help us go run some errands.  Enjoy your day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just Dance

We headed over to Steve's sister's house last night and played some Wii Just Dance.  We all danced to some grooving music and got a workout!!!  LOADS of fun and great company, too!

setting up and explaining the game

and the booty shaking begins!

getting down!!!

steve was "rolling on the river"

Super fun for kids and adults alike.  Good times!!! 

Friday, February 18, 2011

We're still celebrating Valentines this week.  Kate has been crafting like crazy and last night Drew was in the mood to "bake" so we whipped up some delicious pink heart-shaped rice crispy treats.  Drew thought it was magic! hehe

The nice weather is continuing outside...high 70 today!  Kate has gymnastics today then home for three days!  Yippee!
I had a conversation with Steve last night discussing how today will mark twenty-nine years since my mom passed away.  He said that seems like a lifetime.  But the memories are still there...good ones.  Although I was only eleven, I can still remember a lot of things about my mom.  I sure do miss her especially since I've had my kiddos.  Rest in peace Nancy Jo.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

gorgeous February weather

We are having some gorgeous February weather this week.  Yesterday it was 67 degrees and today is supposed to hit near the same!  After Kate's school conference yesterday, Steve and I took the kiddos to the Capitol to ride bikes. 

Then we went to playground in our old neighborhood.  We were there two hours!  Yep, Cabin Fever.  It was a GREAT day.  We'll probably do much of the same today.  We are ready...Bring on Spring!

These kids love tree climbing.

And last night's dinner:  Homemade burritos!
Yumm-o!!  Adding to our bi-weekly menu! :-)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!  We bought the kiddos the usual...a balloon, a card and some heart-shaped candy.  They always love it.  I know before too long they will outgrow it so we try to make it a little special for them while they are little.  I'm going to try and make heart-shaped burgers for dinner...we've already had the heart-shaped pizza from Hussons Pizza and the kids WENT CRAZY over it...thought it was the coolest thing ever!  So funny!
Kate is having a Valentine party at school and I'm in charge of the regular snack...not to be confused with the sweet snack. Ha!  Cheeze-itz it is.  I could not think of a pink or red healthy snack (or one that Kate liked).  Now if I was in charge of the sweet snack...loads of ideas.
Steve, sister #2, and myself worked on Kate's valentines for her friends yesterday.  I found the idea here.  I love the way they turned out and a BIG THANK YOU to Steve for his Photoshop expertise and sister #2 for taking the awesome picture!

Kate decided she wanted to send both the Hallmark princess valentines and the homemade one.  No problem.  We enveloped both together and they are ready to go.


On a sadder note, today marks the one year anniversary we lost our dad.  In remembrance, I will be watching an episode of Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond...his two favorite shows ever.  From 7pm-8pm every evening you could find him tuned in laughing like crazy.  I can still hear him laughing at all those jokes. All year I've felt kind of lost without him.  I never really realized how much I depended on him for advice...on everything!  Thankfully, I have four AMAZING sisters and a WONDERFUL brother who have helped me get through.  Miss you very much daddy.  You were the BEST!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


One of my favorite past times is bowling.  I love it.  The loud music, kids laughing, adults high fiving, the smells of fries and hotdogs.  It's a fun sport and my kids are just at an age where they can have a great time.  We took two of our favorite people with us and boy, what fun!!!!

the drewster

katerbug-really concentrating on her game

Sister #2-Loves my babies!!!

cousin Jason-the winner!!

my ball was HEAVY!

a little help never hurts!

the kids couldn't stop grooving to the loud music
one game and we were TIRED!!!!  HA!
good times.