Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!  We bought the kiddos the usual...a balloon, a card and some heart-shaped candy.  They always love it.  I know before too long they will outgrow it so we try to make it a little special for them while they are little.  I'm going to try and make heart-shaped burgers for dinner...we've already had the heart-shaped pizza from Hussons Pizza and the kids WENT CRAZY over it...thought it was the coolest thing ever!  So funny!
Kate is having a Valentine party at school and I'm in charge of the regular snack...not to be confused with the sweet snack. Ha!  Cheeze-itz it is.  I could not think of a pink or red healthy snack (or one that Kate liked).  Now if I was in charge of the sweet snack...loads of ideas.
Steve, sister #2, and myself worked on Kate's valentines for her friends yesterday.  I found the idea here.  I love the way they turned out and a BIG THANK YOU to Steve for his Photoshop expertise and sister #2 for taking the awesome picture!

Kate decided she wanted to send both the Hallmark princess valentines and the homemade one.  No problem.  We enveloped both together and they are ready to go.


On a sadder note, today marks the one year anniversary we lost our dad.  In remembrance, I will be watching an episode of Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond...his two favorite shows ever.  From 7pm-8pm every evening you could find him tuned in laughing like crazy.  I can still hear him laughing at all those jokes. All year I've felt kind of lost without him.  I never really realized how much I depended on him for advice...on everything!  Thankfully, I have four AMAZING sisters and a WONDERFUL brother who have helped me get through.  Miss you very much daddy.  You were the BEST!

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