Monday, April 2, 2012

spring weekend.

Happy Birthday to my sister, Linda Lou!  Ha!  That's not even her name but everyone seems to call her that!  Have a fantastic day, sista!  We love you!!!!

What a fun weekend we had! 

Friday, Steve took the kiddos to Tball practice while I enjoyed a fun night out with the neighborhood ladies for girls night out!  As I was talking with one neighborhood friend, we found out we purchased our dogs from the same breeder in a neighboring county.  Ha! Small, small West Virginia.  I had a fun time and good conversation with some sweet ladies.  Happy Birthday to Kim, Amy, and Mary Beth!

Saturday we woke up early to head out to drop Drew off at sister #3s and Kate and I headed to a Pinkalicious birthday party.  There was pink everywhere and the cake/cupcakes were amazing!  Great job, Stephanie!

After the party we picked up Drew and headed over to sister #3s church for our annual visit to the Easter eggstravaganza.  The kiddos had a great time and won some cool prizes!

Fun times!   Thanks Twila!!

Steve went golfing with his buddies on Sunday so we headed down to the Charleston mall to see the Easter bunny. Kate and Drew were so excited to see him and not a bad wait in line (thank goodness).  I can't believe Easter in this Sunday!!!!!

Afterwards the kiddos asked if we could go to the Clay Center.  These kids are getting smart about proximity!  Ha!  It was a seemingly gloomy day so we headed over the Clay Center for some exploring.   Drew was excited to find a lizard on the sidewalk.  Oh the signs of summer!

We ran into some friends and ended up staying THREE hours!  I was one tired momma when I got home but the kids had a blast.

Today I'm headed to Drew's follow-up appointment from his surgery.  It looks like a busy week ahead this week.  I'm ready for Friday to start our fun spring break!!!  Yippee!!!

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