Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I didn't sleep well last night.  I usually read the local news on my phone a couple times during the day and then again before I go to sleep at night.

There has been some freaking weirdo driving around during daylight in a white van in our local area reportedly attempting to pull girls into his van. 
One eleven year old girl ran away and another eighteen year old at a busstop said she froze but luckily another car came and the van driver drove off. 

Abductors are getting braver.

Since the day Kate was born I've always been afraid someone is going to take her. 
Then Drew was born and my fear doubled.

As a mother, IT'S MY BIGGEST FEAR!!!  No seriously...I've lost a TON of sleep over it.

I can deal with sickness and tantrums and anything else that comes my way with my kiddos, but the thought of some lunatic taking my kids away from me scares the living daylights out of me.
Call me me helicopter mom, but I don't care. 

I am going to do whatever it takes to protect my kiddos.
I've had friends tell me they are scared of the same thing so I know I'm not alone. 

You just never know.  I hope they catch him.  But I know there are more out there.

Scary, scary stuff.


1 comment:

  1. I get scared about this when there are a lot of workers in our neighborhood WITH vans! But I also think that they would turn around before they reached the interstate with Soph and bring her back ;)
