Monday, March 19, 2012


Happy Monday!  I went for a walk this morning with Ginger!  Yay! 
I took along Pandora and what is it about M&M music that makes me want to RUN??  Fast!
It gets me going!  Steve will probably now go out and buy me every M&M CD there is!  LOL!
Just kidding.

I'm lifting my rain dance prayers because Drew is free to PLAY!
He went to T-ball practice Saturday and to a swimming party and did fine. 
And his grumpiness is subsiding.  Thank goodness! 
I thought I was going to go crazy last week.  Hard, hard week for me.  But I made it!

We have T-ball practice today and I'm really hoping the rain holds off.  
It so cute to see all those little kids getting excited and playing!  Fun times!

What are your Monday plans?

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