Monday, March 5, 2012

basketball and birthday weekend

We had a pretty eventful and fun-filled weekend! Friday morning, Steve and I had to take Drew for his pre-operation testing for his toncilectomy.  He had to have some blood drawn and he didn't flinch.  Amazing boy!  We were all glad to get that over!  Then, Kate's best friend, Hannah, from preschool came over for a birthday playdate and movie night.  We went to see The Lorax and had a GREAT time!  We sure miss seeing sweet Hannah everyday.  So much fun we forgot to get a pic! :-(

Saturday, we went to Drew's last basketball game.  He improved so much from last year and made his highest score ever of 24 points!  Go Drew!  We are super proud of you!!!  Drew and Kate both start T-ball on Wednesday and even with Drew's surgery scheduled on Friday he shouldn't miss a practice or a game and he is so happy!  Have I mentioned lately how much I love those two kiddos!  I do!!!

Sunday, we woke up and got ready for Drew's basketball banquet.  He couldn't wait to get his second trophy.  He said, "Mom, I think I'm going to start collecting trophies!" HA!  Kids are so funny! 

Then we came home and scurried to get ready for Kate's SIXTH birthday party!  I can't believe that once 4lb 4oz baby is six years old!!!  Enjoy the pics that Steve so graciously took!!!!  And thanks to our families who came to celebrate.  We love you all so much! :-) 

The Drewster!!

My pantyhose are itching me! Waaaaahhh!

Daddy made me laugh!


Drew's buddy Blake...Blake hardly missed a shot!

Trophy time!


Kate opening her second present-a Victorious shirt! 
(The first present was Victorious panties-eek!)

Let's get this party started!

Victorious from Teen Nick

With pretty aunt Barbara and Drew!

Hi Margaret!

Uncle Bobby

Aunt Twila

Aunt Janet

With Mommy and Drew

Kate, Mommy, Daddy and Drew!

Jason and Brittney

Lena and Bella

Aunt Linda and Uncle Mike arriving

Cousin Karlee

Sweet cousin Cannon rockin out

The Miller clan

Daddy, Aunt Becky and Uncle John

Cousin Karlee, Brittney, and Jason

Having fun waiting on other guests to arrive!

With cousin Karlee and Drew

Counting the presents...

Uncle Mike

Uncle Mike and Aunt Linda

Hanging out waiting for guests

Yay!  Time for cake!

Six candles!!! Make a wish!

She told me later she wished for a skateboard! :-)


Aunt Twila helping with cake and ice cream

Sweet Sweet Cannon!!

LOVE this pic!!!

A beautiful sparkly heart necklace from granny!

PaPa filming the event! precious!!!

Love love love this pic!!!

Hugging her aunt Janet!  So sweet!

A very happy girl!!!!

Great pic!!!  Love!

and more presents...

Sharing some love...

and more presents!

giving out her thank you hugs!

one last the SNOW!!!

I love it mommy!!!

One extremely happy family loved little girl!!


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