Sunday, March 11, 2012

day two of recovery.

Whoa!  This recovery thing is just horrible.  Drew is having a terrible time.  His throat is sore, he's grumpy, and he is SOOOO upset he can't go outside and play in this gorgeous 70 degree weather we are having. 

We've been playing board games, watching spongebob, first season of brady bunch, going through the basket of goodies Aunt Janet sent, and playing Wii.  But we are talking about a very active boy here.  I just want to put him on his bike and say ride baby ride. 

But I can't.  And he IS going to miss his second tball practice on Saturday and probably a swimming birthday party, too!  Boo...getting your tonsils removed is for the birds man! Ha! 

We will muddle through...and I'm still praying for rain!

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