Saturday, March 10, 2012


Drew had his surgery yesterday.  We started out the day around 4:45am!  He had to be at the hospital at 7:00am so we had to put Kate on the school bus at 6:30am TO school for the first time.  She was a little hesitant but she was a trooper and knew it was important for us to get Drew to the hospital on time.

Then, Steve, Drew, and I headed to St. Francis Hospital for his tonsilectomy and adenoidectomy.  His doctor, Dr. Goins, really helped us to prepare Drew mentally for his surgery so he knew most of what was going to happen. 

Heading into the hospital (sleepy)

Daddy talking about sports I'm sure! (hehe)

Starting to get a little nervous

I don't want to wear those hospital socks, Momma!
(and he didn't)

Can we just go home now?

Maybe the doctor couldn't make it! 
Let's go home!

Oh he made it!  Heading back to the OR!

It's over...Take me home, take me home!

It hurts!

He pointed to the next to last one! :-(

Taking a rest

Oh, I could kiss those eyelashes all day!

Is this a cast, momma?

I'm going to drink all this apple juice so I can go home!

And all this banana slush, too!

This stuff made me pee a lot!

I did everything they asked so can I go now?

Finally...going home to popsicles and ice cream!

and more sports talk!

Yum! Rainbow sherbert from neighbors Kim and Sophie!
and a Feel Better balloon!  Such sweet neighbors we have!

Aunt Janet and Steve came to visit and brought a basket full of goodies
to help with staying inside for ten days! 
Thanks Aunt Janet!!

Thanks guys!

A visit from granny!  She brought a Wii game! Yay!

He finally fell asleep about 10:30pm.  He woke up at 2:30am and
we gave him more pain medicine. 

He woke up this morning happy.  But saying his throat was still sore.  He was really upset
yesterday when he saw all the kids outside playing.  It's going to be a long ten days with
no outside activity allowed. 

I'm praying for rain!!!

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