Wednesday, March 14, 2012

wednesday random.

Wow!  What a beautiful Wednesday today!  I think we are jumping right into summer with no spring!  It's suppose to be a high of  74 degrees today!  Gorgeous March weather!

I've been starting my mornings out with this delicious red fruit!  Yummy!  One of our neighborhood  kiddos was selling them for their band and I jumped on the bandwagon and ordered some!  Fresh strawberries here in WV in March...yes please!

We went out for ice cream with a neighborhood friend yesterday.  Thanks Amy, Ashlynn, and Ayden!  Drew is loving all the ice cream attention!!!

I overheard a young lady at the grocery store commenting how delicious this was and had to try it.

So I fixed this for lunch today for Steve and I and it was SOOO good!

Penne Pasta, red bell pepper, toasted pine nuts with savory garlic! 

It was picture day AGAIN at Kate's school.  I must be getting really old because I only remember getting pictures taken at school once year... "Yeah, back when I was a kid we only got them there school pictures taken once I tell ya!"  LOL!  Oh well, we shall go with it! Ha!

Have a great Wednesday peeps!

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