Tuesday, March 13, 2012

new cookbook!!!

Today is the day!  Yippee!!!  The Pioneer Woman's new cookbook comes out today! 

She's been working on it for awhile and has given some hints and peeks but I cannot wait to get my hands on it! Ha!  I'm headed to town tomorrow so hopefully I'll have chance to stop and pick it up!

I LOVED LOVED LOVED her last cookbook and have been really inspired to cook dinner more.  You can find A LOT, if not all, of her recipes on her website

So tonight in honor of her new cookbook coming out today I will fix a Pioneer Woman recipe favorite at our house,  The Marlboro Man Sandwich.  Yummy!


  1. Laura, i LOVE the pioneer woman too! My favorite of hers is the olive cheese bread. DELISH!

    1. I haven't made it yet, but my sister makes it for every shin-dig! Yum-mo! :-)
