Monday, March 12, 2012

spring forward.

We are not morning people. Ha!  Kate had the worst time waking up this morning.  She cried her little heart out.

We went upstairs to bed last night with five books hoping to get her to sleep earlier but it didn't happen.  I guess it'll take a few days to get into this earlier routine.

Steve went back to work today after a rare three days off to be with Drew.

I took Ginger for a walk this morning and got caught in rain!  I was thankful!  I'd been praying for rain (along with a few of my friends) so Drew wouldn't feel so bad for not being able to go outside.

We've been inside playing more board games, his train table, and baking brownies (so much for that 30 minute walk this morning!)

Seven more days to go!  I've got to get a video of Drew talking.  It sounds like he is talking with cute and sad at the same time.

I'm off to plan dinner...I think I'll break out my cookbooks!  So excited about a special cookbook tomorrow...stay tuned! :-)

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