Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Well we finally bought bar stools!  Not the ones I originally wanted.  Our builder asked if a couple could come and look at our house because they are building a house just like it and we decided we better get some bar stools.

It was short notice to order the ones I orginally wanted so we looked around at different stores and finally ended up with some from Lowe's...and I REALLY LIKE THEM...and they were SUPER CHEAP!  What a win win! Ha! 

If these ever fail us I'll probably end up getting the ones I originally wanted from Crate and Barrel but these will work just fine for now!

Now we are trying to decide how to decorate our fireplace.  I bought a mirror and it gets LOST in the paint. 

We are thinking seriously of painting the wall where the mirror is a color but not sure which color yet.  Also, I want to buy some things for the mantle.  Maybe some topiaries and maybe even make a cute fabric banner/bunting during holidays.  The possibilities are endless but decorating decisions are hard for me!! Ha! I shall turn to pinterest for inspiration! :-)

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