Thursday, February 2, 2012

STAR of the week

It was Kate's turn to be star of the week!  She was sooooo excited.

On Monday,  she got to take a bag full of special things...she took her baby basket with her newborn feet stamped on them, her "Kate" barbie, her musical birthday cinderella, a preemie outfit, and her Disney princess autographs.

On Tuesday she took her favorite book for her teacher to read and share with the class.

On Wednesday, we were asked to write a letter about why Kate was special for the teacher to share with the class.  When we asked her how she liked her special letters she said,  "No mom or dad has ever sent in a LOVE LETTER!"hahahaha!  Steve and I were like oh crap we screwed up again! LOL!   I wanted to blog them so she can always go back and read them.

Dear Kate,

I hope you are having a wonderful time being Star of the Week!  Daddy would like to say that I am very proud of you and I am proud to be your Dad.  You always bring a smile to my face, from the time you were a teeny tiny baby to the beautiful girl you have grown to be.

I get really sad when I have to leave for work because I want to stay home and spend all of my time with you and your brother Drew.  While I’m at work, all I have to do to get happy is look at all of your fabulous paintings and drawings that you have given me to hang on the wall in my office.  They cheer me up every time!  Do you know what the best part about being at work is?  Coming home at the end of the day because I know that you’ll come running to give me a great big hug as soon as I walk through the front door!  Your hugs are the best!

I really like when you tell me about your daily adventures.  You tell the best stories, Kate!  They always make me laugh and I often tell your stories to my friends because they are so funny!  I like reading bedtime stories to you too!  Snug House Bug House was one of our favorites and you can’t forget Llama, Llama, Red Pajama; WHOOOOOOP!  WHOOOOOOP!  WHOOOOOOP!  I also like telling you those made up stories about a little blonde girl named Kate that always begin like this…Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kate Olivia…

Another thing I like about you Kate is your pretty singing voice.  You sing the most beautiful songs!  They make me so happy because I know you’re happy!  And you’re a great dancer too!  You’ve got some of the best dance moves I’ve ever seen!  Maybe you can teach me some of those moves!

Kate, you are very special to our family.  We love you very much!  I hope you’re having an awesome time being Star of the Week and I can’t wait to see you tonight so I can get one of those great big hugs!



Congratulations Kate Olivia for being Star of The Week!!!  You ROCK! Your Dad, Drew, and me, your mama, are SUPER proud of you! 
You are very special to our family!  You know why?   Because you are you and there’s only one Katerbug! 
There are many things that make you a great daughter-You listen to your mom and dad when we ask you to do something.  You pray at that dinner table.  We LOVE when you dance and love hearing you sing.  I love hearing you laugh when I tell you “I’ve got to tell you something important” and you know I’m really just going to tickle you to pieces!!!  It is so special to us that you want to be a momma when you grow up and you are going to be a GREAT ONE!
There are things you do that make you a great sister-You are protective of Drew.  When we go shopping you always let me know if he’s lagging behind or not following us.  That is smart!  Also, I love the way you include Drew when your girlfriends come over to play and you always agree to share your toys with him.  This is such a great way to show your love to Drew.
But not only are you a great daughter and a great sister but you are a great girl.  You are smart, funny, and make friends easily.  Sometimes you get in trouble and make mistakes but everyone does.  You just have to ask God to forgive you and try not to do it again.  And you are good that.
I love you Kate!  I love your hugs, your kisses, your high fives, and your precious smile!  You are in my heart and will be my Star forever!
Your mama

Today we are going to have a surprise lunch with Kate!  She'll be so excited.  She's been asking me all year to come have lunch with her!  She'll be excited to see both me and her dad there! :-)
Tomorrow her class is doing something special for her that I'm sure she will love. 
Fun, fun, fun being a star!!!

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