Friday, February 3, 2012


I'm tired today.  It's been a busy, busy week.

Ginger, our dog, was barking in the middle of the night at deer and woke me up. I'm a little grouchy.

 My house has been a wreck...and a neighbor saw it.  EEkk!

Kate was tardy for the first time yesterday!

I forgot an ingredient in Pioneer Woman's Marlboro Man Sandwhich and sent it home with my neighbor wondering what happened to my fail proof sandwhich.  Then I remember...worcestershire as I was super early driving Kate to school this morning.   I hope her husband forgives me when he eats his lunch today.

Things like this happen and I start comparing myself to does their life seem so easy? How is their house always spotless?  How are their kids always clean?  How how are THEY always clean?  and on, and on and on.  And then I remember this AMAZING post.  And it makes me feel so so much better.  My life is mine and I'm getting through the best I can.  And I remember I have it pretty darn good...messy kids and house included.

1 comment:

  1. Great website! To quote Clairee from Steel Magnolias..."That which does not kill us, makes us stronger!"
