Sunday, January 22, 2012

Funday Sunday!

Steve really wanted to take Drew to his first Hunting and Fishing show today.  It's at the Civic Center so Papa, John, Steve and Drew are headed down to enjoy all the displays and get their manly man fun on.  Bows, arrows, guns, ammo, camo...all that manly stuff packed in one area is bound to bring lots of joy to these fellows:

I can't wait to see what they will bring home and hear all about Drews experience!

Kate and I are headed to another type of hunting and fishing...for GIRLIE stuff!!! Yep, we are in need some need of girlie things (even though this morning she said, "Mom, I tooted in the bathtub and it made a HUGE bubble!) Gotta love her. We are going to have our girl day while the boys are out exploring.  Looks like we will be headed to Justice (with coupons! Yippee!) and Claire's and I'm sure a trip to the candy store will take place!  I can't wait to spend some alone time with Kate.  We have a lot to talk about including her upcoming birthday which by now I would have already had everything planned, ordered and wrapped but this year we are doing something a little different.  No details yet but I'm sure she'll be happy!

Have a great Sunday! :-)

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