Friday, January 20, 2012


I'm sooo glad it's Friday. It's been a crazy week. Drew is on his way from recovering from a bad case of strep. Kate came home from school yesterday because she was crying uncontrollably saying she missed us...but I think it was more lack of sleep from hearing us up with Drew. She was much better this morning and was excited for Hh show and tell. She took her Barbie Horse show Granny got her for Christmas.

Today, Drew and I are headed out to get birth certificates. With the move, it's hard to tell which box or container we've put them. T-Ball sign-ups are tomorrow so we have to have them. We also might stop at the laundrymat to do some bedclothes. So much quicker than doing it here.

I'm also going to research a vacation for this summer. Someplace, sandy, hot and fun.

Happy weekend! :-)

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