Friday, January 27, 2012


Kate was buzzing around like a bee this morning with her MRS. V's BUMBLEBEE shirt on!  She was super excited to go to school for her bear party.  Her backpack was stuff with her BUILD-A-BEAR bear, three bear books, bear gummies, teddy grahams, and her library book.   It was also Ll show and tell and she took her La La Loopsy doll plus she had two barbies to play with in the new barbie townhouse center!  She kept saying is her loudest, smiling voice,  "Oh mom, this is crazy heavy!"  Ha!

Every morning I drop her off at school and EVERY SINGLE MORNING I still get super teary as I pull off.  I miss her so much whle she's gone.  Hoping she's ok, hoping no one is being mean to her and hoping she's taking my continual morning advice of "Be a good friend, Kate." I love spending every moment I can with her because it's all going by so fast and she'll be off to college before we know it. I hope that little girl has a great Bear Day with her kindergarten friends! :-)

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