Sunday, January 9, 2011


Drew had his first biddy basketball game Saturday.  He's on the RED team.
He was soooo excited and so were we.  The church gym was packed with parents, grandparents and a bunch of little kids.  It was kind of overwhelming for Drew.  He was very nervous...checking everything out before he headed out on the court.  Then he asked me to go with him...

So I headed out there with them (in front of all those people..gheez!) and walked him through the warm-ups.  Then his dad came out.

and when Drew noticed him he ran over to him.

and asked him to "go over there and sit down."  Drew was ready to tackle this big space all alone.  I about cried my eyes out.  He's growing up.

Learning the rules...we noticed Drew look over to the girl on his left and put his hand on her shoulder.  Teammates! :-)

Holding hands and praying before the game.

Here comes Drew up the court with the ball.

Drew ended up making one basket and missing two.  He had a blast and keeps asking if he can "go play basketball for real again." 
We all had a great time.  I can't wait til next Saturday!!!

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