Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winter Games

It was pouring the snow yesterday and way too cold to go outside to play so I decided to bring out the board games. Thankfully, Santa brought A LOT of board games (ten, I think) for us to play on cold winter evenings.  During the other seasons, my kids are outside playing well past dark so winter evenings are a bit of a challenge to keep them occupied and away from the tv.  Board games are a fun way to entertain them and also learn how to win confidently and lose graciously.  It's not always smooth but for the most part they take turns, play fairly and have fun.

One of their favorites is Zingo.  This game is age appropriate for both my three year old and almost five year old.  It's a bingo game with a twist.  You simply match the picture/word to the picture/word card.  Easy enough. 

Another favorite is Twister.  Drew received this game from my sister number four on his November birthday.  It's been a hit ever since.  I modified it some since Drew is just learning left and right but boy do they get a kick out of playing.

We ended the evening with some other classic games including Guess Who (Disney Edition), Hi-Ho Cherry-O and Don't Break the Ice.

It was a fun way to spend a cold, snowy evening inside!

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