Monday, January 31, 2011


Papa and Granny stopped by last night to drop off a Christmas present of Drew's that was too big to fit in my jeep on Christmas Eve.  The kiddos couldn't wait for Steve to come home from work and put it together.
So Steve tackled this while I fixed dinner.  Can you guess what it is?

Ta Daaaa!!!!  Air Hockey!  The kids love it and have been playing all evening.  Nothing like a new toy one month after the Christmas toy excitement has worn off.  (Yes, that's Kate in a bathing suit.  She was playing swimming pool while daddy put the air hockey together. hehe)

Tonight's dinner:
(Something I want to start posting with pictures just to keep a record)
Parmesean Crusted Baked Tilapia
Fried Potatoes (I've been fixing these a lot lately...yummy)
Biscuits (We have biscuits a lot for dinner...something I got from my dad)
and strawberries.

Usually I take a pic of dinner and send it to my best friend, Vivi, but of course in the rush of getting the air hockey finished I didn't.  I did take a pic of the potatoes but everyone has seen fried potatoes before, right?  No?  ok then...

Steve said we should invite his brother John over for that meal... :-)  Now that's a compliment!

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